Our Nation News is a newsletter for Métis Nation citizens in Saskatchewan and our friends world-wide. We are working hard to bring you all the latest career postings, events, engagement sessions, and interesting news from around the Nation.
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2024 started off in a good way for Métis people in Saskatchewan! MN–S continues to work diligently for the right to self-government to be fully realized, and every day we are one step closer. Legislation supporting our path to self-government has officially made its way through the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Committee and is expected to be before the Senate this spring. And on February 5th, 2024, the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed the jurisdiction of Indigenous governments to create and administer their own child and family services. A media release is here.
As important matters continue to move at the federal level, your Métis government is also working to establish, strengthen, and preserve Métis rights here at home. Our Voice of the People engagements ramp up this month, as we seek valuable citizen input on proposed amendments to the Métis Nation–Saskatchewan Constitution. Read on to find out how to register for an engagement in your region and be part of the Métis self-government journey, more than 150 years in the making!
February 9, 2024 – Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) applauds today’s decision from the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC), affirming the jurisdiction of Indigenous governments to create and administer their own child and family services. This is a crucial step in advancing and protecting the wellbeing of Métis children and youth. “This is a great day for our Métis Nation in Saskatchewan,” said MN–S President Glen McCallum. “Today’s monumental decision by the Supreme Court is a confirmation of the work our Métis government has been doing for citizens in protecting and strengthening our families to preserve Métis identity, culture, values and language for future generations. We continue to affirm our inherent right to self-government and work towards its implementation.” The country’s highest court addressed Quebec’s Constitutional challenge of Bill C92 by stating: “The pith and substance of the Act, taken in its entirety, is to protect the well-being of Indigenous children, youth and families by promoting the delivery of culturally appropriate child and family services and, in so doing, to advance the process of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. This important legislative initiative falls squarely within Parliament’s legislative jurisdiction under s. 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867.”
MN–S Vice President and Minister of Justice Michelle LeClair said, “Just as families across the country have the right to raise their children in culturally appropriate surroundings, so too do Canada’s Métis, First Nations and Inuit peoples. We commend the Court for its thoughtful and meaningful deliberation in this matter and welcome this landmark decision giving effect to our inherent right to self-government, including our right to protect our children, our families and our communities.” Indigenous children have historically been disproportionately represented in the child welfare system under Canada’s outdated colonial legislations and policies. The impacts of foster care on Métis children continue to be evident across Métis 2 communities today.The SCC decision affirms the Métis inherent right to selfgovernement including child welfare. In upholding the constitutionality of Bill C-92, the court went further in its decision stating: “Developed in cooperation with Indigenous peoples, the Act represents a significant step forward on the path to reconciliation. It forms part of the implementation of the UNDRIP by Parliament.” MN–S Child and Family Services Minister, Kathie Pruden Nansel said, “The family unit is and always will the foundation of our Métis communities and our MN–S government. The wellbeing of our children is paramount. Métis families have the inherent right to care for their children in a way that respects and promotes our culture, our values, and our ways. Today’s ruling gives our nation the clear authority to continue our journey to ensure we protect, support, and nurture our children grounded in Métis identity traditions, instead of seeing them lost and victimized in colonial systems that rob them of their connection to who we are.” The Act respecting First Nation, Inuit, and Métis youth and families was first introduced in 2019. Bill C-92 received final assent in 2021. Métis Nation– Saskatchewan is already in the process of citizen engagement to ensure the family voice is represented within an MN–S child care model with a distinct Métis approach from prevention to apprehension and is eager to carry that work on now with the full support of the SCOC.
Almost 500 people came together in Saskatoon in February for a productive exchange of ideas around best practices for long-term and palliative care for Métis people. The theme of the inaugural gathering was ‘Taking Care Together: Aging into Well-Being’. Kiishpin kwaayesh pishkaapamishooyaahk naawut kinwaysh ka pimaatishinaan is the Michif way of saying, “If we take care of ourselves in a good way, we’ll live a long life.”
During the two-day conference, MN–S and the Saskatchewan Health Authority renewed their commitment to work together on improving the health status of Métis people in the province.
Check out this great video
The Back to Batoche Days planning committee invites you to take part in this incredible four-day event, July 18 to 21.
We’re looking for:
Food vendors
Food trucks
Artisans & vendors
Elders’ Lodge catering services
Festival site cleaning
Bathroom cleaning
Racetrack maintenance
Port-a-Potty suppliers
March 15 and May 1, 2024, are the early admission and general application deadlines respectively for GDI’s four-year, fully accredited Bachelor of Education degree programs at the La Ronge, Regina, Saskatoon, and Prince Albert campuses.
The Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S) and the Government of Canada have signed the historic Métis Government Recognition and Self-Government Agreement.
The Agreement, over 130 years in the making, is a momentous step towards reconciliation. The Agreement recognizes the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan's right to self-governance and self-determination by instilling the Métis Nation's right to undertake core governance matters. This includes citizenship, leadership selection, government structures and financial accountability.
"This historic agreement is a major step toward guaranteeing our rights to our land, our resources, our education, and our culture. It is real progress for our people", said Métis Nation-Saskatchewan President Greg McCallum.
The Métis Nation-Saskatchewan has shown national leadership by working collaboratively to establish a Constitution and a democratically elected assembly to govern the Métis People in Saskatchewan. These existing governance structures and Constitution will make the implementation process for Métis Nation-Saskatchewan much easier in the months ahead.
"We want to express our gratitude to Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Bennett for their commitment to reconciliation with the Métis People", added President McCallum.
Through its entire mandate, the federal government has been committed to reconciliation. This agreement has been a lifetime in the making for the Métis People in Saskatchewan and today marks a significant day in Métis history.
"Today is a day to celebrate the legacy of our Métis ancestors and the future of our children. For over a century, our people have fought – figuratively and literally – for recognition, respect and a rightful place in Canadian society. This agreement acknowledges the right of our people to self-government and to a true nation-to-nation relationship. We are able to stand taller today because we stand on the shoulders of giants and on the cusp of a better future."
Glen McCallum, President
Métis Nation-Saskatchewan
"By signing these historic agreements today, our government is taking a fundamental step to advance reconciliation and transform our relationships with the Métis Nation of Alberta, the Métis Nation of Ontario and the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan. We are committed to advancing self-determination as we strengthen our government-to-government relationships."
The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, M.D., P.C., M.P.
Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations
Annual General Assembly Participants
Copyright © 2018 Métis Nation - Saskatchewan Eastern Region III - All Rights Reserved.
Voice of The People MN-S CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM Check calendar for dates!