our moment.ca
To promote the renewal and development of Métis culture through research, materials development, collection and distribution of those materials and the design, development and delivery of Métis-specific educational programs and services.
The mission of CCDF is to improve the economic circumstances of Saskatchewan’s Métis by providing funding and capacity for business and community economic development for new and existing Métis businesses.
is a Saskatchewan Métis-Owned Lending Institution created to finance the start-up, aquisition and/or expansion of viable Métis controlled small business based in Saskatchewan
MACSI services are holistic in nature and are based on our client-centered care and client-first philosophy, which acknowledges & respects diversity, family and community. MACSI has unique programs and services, informed by a broad spectrum of influences including Métis Heritage, Traditional Indigenous Teachings, 12 Step Recovery Model, and Clinical Principles for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Services in Saskatchewan, and including utilizing current research and emerging trends occurring in the broader field of addictions.
Copyright © 2018 Métis Nation - Saskatchewan Eastern Region III - All Rights Reserved.
Voice of The People MN-S CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM Check calendar for dates!